I’m Sarah, a full-time website designer and part-time Pilates instructor.
My mission is to make it easy and enjoyable for all fitness and wellness professionals to get their business online, especially if you have little love for the tech stuff.
When working on a project, my objectives are:
for us to find FLOW in the website design process, moving seamlessly from one step to the next,
for you to find AUTONOMY when it’s time to take ownership of your website and manage your business online.
– Karen Lamb –
“A year from now you may wish you had started today.”
If building your own website has been at the back of your mind for a while, but always feels daunting and too hard to do on your own, you’ve come to the right place!
I’ve got plenty of solutions to help you get that website up and running, whether you want me to do it all for you or just need a little guidance.
Need help getting your website off the ground?
I will help you define your ideal clients, online style guide, plan your site’s content and design a hot new website for your business.
Happy to give the DIY option a go?
My website templates are specifically designed to give fitness and wellness business owners a head start in designing their own website.
My journey into web design
A few facts about me
I speak 4 languages...
I was lucky to lucky learn the first 2 without much effort as I was born to a French father and a German mother. I learnt both English and Spanish at school, then married a Venezuelan as we lived in Australia which helped a lot!
I’m more than happy to work with you in:
🇦🇺 English 🇪🇸 Español
🇫🇷 Français 🇩🇪 Deutsch -
I love the great outdoors.
When I’m not on a mat teaching Pilates or behind my computer designing websites, you may find me:
Mountain biking in the forest
Stand up paddle boarding on the river
Chilling at the beach
Hiking along the coast
Rock climbing up sea cliffs
I'm a wildlife spotter.
When we’re out and about, I’m always the first one to spot a lizard along the track or a whale out in the ocean.
I live on the west coast of Australia, a beautiful and quite wild part of the world.
In the last couple of years, my birthday gifts have been trips to get up close with marine animals. Here’s a pic of me swimming with my buddy Jinormous Jack, the whale shark.
A word from past clients
I design websites that are easy to use
for the site owner (that’s you)
and the site visitors (your clients)!
Your Wellness studio or business probably needs a website to get bookings.
There are quite a few platform these days that make it a lot easier to design and manage your own website.
Is this what you want to do with your time?
If your answer to the last question is a “For sure, why not!”, then register to be part of my website templates pre-launch sale!
If you’re more on the “Not too sure about that” or “No way, Jose!” side, don’t worry you’re not alone and that’s why I’m here!
More questions? Let’s chat !
Book a free consultation call to get clarity.